About Me
Ellen Santasiero is the author of Yes, you are a writer (2024). Her essays, memoirs, interviews, and articles have appeared in BULL Men’s Fiction, Dorothy Parker’s Ashes, The Sun, Northwest Review, Marlboro Review, Oregon Humanities, High Desert Journal, Oregon Home, and in Going Green, an anthology from the University of Oklahoma Press. She taught literature and creative writing at Oregon State University-Cascades from 2006 - 2021, and currently teaches at The Forge, a 10-month online creative writing program she co-founded in 2021. With Irene Cooper, she co-edited PLACED: An Encyclopedia of Central Oregon, and is the editor of Just Say Yes to Life: Stories of Surviving after Stroke. Ellen lives on the edge of Adirondack Park in upstate New York. Contact Ellen: 541-408-4509